Friday, May 13, 2011

Critique of "House gives OK to "choose life" license plate'

In my classmates article he makes the statement that we must not have enough going on in our lives, because we feel the need to raise a fuss about such a petty issue. The "issue" is referring to the democrats that do not believe that it is politically correct for someone to have the choice to have a license plate on their car that reads "Choose life." Instead they brought up the idea that it should say "Choose adoption" because that would be a more appropriate and polite approach. However, I believe that there is a point in all this “fuss.” The whole reason in having a license plate state "Choose life," would be because it would raise proceeds for organizations and adoptions. However, the democrats argue that the money raised should instead go to early childhood intervention programs.

Personally, I believe this is a good idea. First off, because of the originations the money would go toward. Secondly, because if someone feels that strongly about a subject they should have the freedom to display it. Driving around, I see all the time bumper stickers that read "pro-choice." Now I could easily be offended by that statement. But it is still okay for them to display it. I believe it is part of our right as citizens to support what we believe, even though others may not agree.