Monday, April 11, 2011

My response: Financial aid and student future

In Sovanna Dangol's article titled "Financial aid and student future" she talks about the affects of budget cuts for college students. Her stance, I believe is against budget cuts. She states that by next year the cuts could could take a plunge and decrease by 85 percent! That is very unsettling to the billions of students who receive that aid. That could essentially make college no longer an option for them.
Personally, I agree with Sovanna. I believe these cuts would hurt our generation along with our kids generation drastically. Not only would they not be able to attend college, most would also be stuck at minimum wage jobs- with little room to advance. This would most likely result in more people living in poverty. With those statistics rising the crime rate would also increase right a long with it. Also, not to mention the children of these parents would then continue the cycle. I do think that putting a more strick regulation on the funds would help save money as well as help students who are really serious about continuing there education. However, cutting it across the bored by such a drastic rate just doesn't seem like the answer.

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