Monday, February 28, 2011

New Scholarship in Texas set to benefit white men only

In doing my research, I came across an interesting article posted by Texas Fred, titled "New Scholarship in Texas Set to Benefit White Men Only". It basically states how the author Fred Witzell sees no problem in giving us "white people" the same opportunity that color people currently have; reserving scholarships for certain races. However, with that opportunity comes a problem. Fred believes white people are subjected to more attacks then colors and have an unfair fight against them. "If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we’d be called racists." "If we had a White History Month, we’d be called racist for that."  Those are just a few of the "facts" that he stated, the list really does go on. Although I believe Fred’s approach is a bit harsh, I do side with him. If you read the details about what is required of the student to be eligible, there is much work involved. It would be different if they were just asking for proof of race. Instead, the student must maintain a gpa of 3.0 or higher, show a commitment to education, demonstrate financial need and be at least 25% Caucasian. This clearly shows that it’s not just handed to them. Also, the grant would be for $500, although that sounds like the individual is awarded a lot - it’s really not. That would be on average one semester of schooling not including books. Also, the color population could still be eligible to receive this exact award. The requirement states at least 25%, making it possible for people of other descents to be granted the money as well. If you look across time and how much other opportunities non-whites have, this debate seems so minuscule. Even more mind blowing is how Caucasians almost are considered the minority based on the numbers of the 2010 census. This goes to show that people need to stop trying to make a problem out of nothing, and concentrate on the bigger issues.

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