Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Dewhurst questions senators' move toward using rainy day fund."

In an article published by the Austin American Statesman titled "Dewhurst question senators' move toward using rainy day fund," it talks about how Lt. Governor Dewhurst is not sure that using money from the state's rainy day fund to soften spending cuts to schools and nursing homes is a good idea. The Senate Finance Committee approved to use up to $3 billion out of the rainy day fund. Senators are starting to vote this Thursday on rather we should cut out $11 billion over the next two years. Although that sounds like a lot, it is still less than what the house approved earlier this month. David's idea is to use the nontax revenue items instead of the rainy day fund. This would include selling some of the states land and trying to liquidate state tobacco settlements. However, Senators did not side with Dewhurst.

Personally, I believe that using the rainy day fund is not a good idea either. Although I do believe we are in a time of need, I don't believe the need is great enough to tap into the fund that much. Maybe meeting in the middle would solve the endless battle. Realistically we are going to need to make up that shortfall somehow, so I do believe pulling funds would help make up the difference. But not $3 BILLION. That's an astounding amount!! I also see where David is coming from and believe we should sell off some of our states land and property. Although that may sound like a long shot, I believe Texas is in a position now where that might just save us. Yes, the economy is defiantly down the toilet, but we don't have it nearly as bad as the west or east coast so business/contractors would possibly be interested in buying that land. So to make a long story short, I believe meeting in the middle and taking half the amount out of the rainy day fund and selling our states property may just be enough to make up the shortfall and be the answer.

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